No one ever wants to have to call their insurance company, especially for something as fundamental to your home security as your roof. The process of making a claim can be long and arduous, and often times frustrating. Insurance policies often have many clauses or specific wording or processes that make things murky or unsure.
At Stalwart Roofing & eavestroughs we have replaced many a damaged roof, performed many repairs due to hail and wind, and seen to hundreds of service and emergency calls over the years. We have extensive experience working with insurance companies and can offer an experienced and grounded voice advocating on your side. Severe wind events hit in Calgary every 4-7 years – and even more frequently when we expand the area to Airdrie and Okotoks. When we look to the past decade we have even seen Major Weather Events as close together as 2 and 3 years.
Every insurance company is slightly difference in their policies and procedures, but two facts remain consistent: you have the right to choose your own professional contractor, and the right to choose the products going onto the structure. When it finally comes down to having the work done, enormous insurance companies are farming the work out to larger companies, who in turn are farming it out to smaller companies, who are in turn subcontracting the work out. This means that you really have no knowledge or control over who is actually going to perform the work, and any changes you want made have to percolate several steps up the chain. Often times the roofer is trying to chew through the work and get onto the next roof and isn’t paying attention to the small details.
Our estimators are trained professionals and are HAAG certified roofing inspectors. This is the same training your insurance adjustor went through and gives us the same criteria for evaluating weather damage to your roof and eavestroughs as your insurance representative. Because of this we are able to be strong advocates in your corner if you are entitled to a claim – we can help expedite the process and keep away the sticky red tape. Stalwart Roofing & Eavestroughing is a customer-oriented organization, and even though your roof replacement or eavestrough repair is being served via an insurance claim, you still get to keep your hands on the reins. You get to pick the products and colours, and even when the work should happen.
Insurance claims don’t have to be a headache, we have the knowledge and we have the experience, just pick up the phone!